Divine Design: Card Deck Creation Course with House of Indigo Collective

May 14, 2024


Do you hear spirit whispering in your ear about an oracle deck? Do you feel called to create one of your own? You’re at the right place.

If you’re wondering where to start or what to do, continue reading!

Create your own Divinely Designed Oracle or Tarot Deck in just six weeks by collaborating with us at House of Indigo. Here’s a peek into what the six week process might look like.

Week 1: Visioning, Clarity, and Overview

This first week is all about channeling your vision. What is the purpose of your Oracle Deck, and what will it represent? Through energetic practices and soul inquiry, Jess and Aurelia will work with you to hone in on the theme of your deck and encapsulate your vision, which will serve as the anchor for the creation of your deck. Your intuition is powerful and one of the greatest tools for curating an Oracle or Tarot Card Deck. We will prepare to make the most out of our time together during this course.

Week 2: Visual Activations and Graphic Basics 

During this part of your journey, Aurelia, our graphic design expert, will help you find the perfect images for your deck (the cards, box, and booklet) that are in energetic and legal integrity, while also paying attention to industry standards. This process will guide you in card deck visual cohesiveness and organization.

Week 3: Energetics and Wordcrafting for Card Descriptions

This part of the process is all about intent. Words carry energy and give us the power to voice our intuition and healing messages. Jess will work with you to ensure your card messages align with the vitality of the intention and communicate with spirit in a purposeful, dynamic way.

Week 4: In-depth Card Design 

This week, it’s all about setting your deck apart. Aurelia will take all the elements, concepts, and details of your deck and create your very own unique aesthetic. With the visual components of your deck complete, say hello to an eye-catching deck fueled with intuitively charged energy.

Week 5: Booklet and Box Design!

First impressions are everything when attracting potential clients. Your box will ensure that that first impression is a good one. Your booklet introduces the essence of each card and the deck in its entirety. Aurelia will be your guide in creating these fundamental pieces while making sure they meet industry standards. 

Are you just printing cards? If so, we’ll talk about alternative packaging to boxes and share some of the basics of getting your cards professional printed.

Week 6: The Next Steps in Your Card Creation Journey with Jess and Aurelia

Now you’ve got a beautifully crafted card deck and booklet, what’s next?

In this final class of the course, we’ll bring it all together and provide an overview of the next steps including obtaining an ISBN number and barcode, and deciding on printing and fulfillment options.


Get in tune with your spiritual side and take the plunge into the journey of crafting your very own Oracle or Tarot Card Deck with House of Indigo Collective.

Check out more of our free resources and trainings here:


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